Our Dual Nature and the Akashic Records

We are human beings.

We are born out of the supposed momentous act of love by our parents. We either dwell in a city or in a more remote place such as inside the forest, in a wilderness, or by the lake or the sea. We are either civilized or uncivilized based on societal perceptions, either educated inside the school or through other more non-conventional ways. We are either biologically men or women, but the spectrum of our sexuality can be further compartmentalized into various labels. We are young, old, and mid-aged. We read books, travel, and go to the movies. We eat in order to live and we seek knowledge and learning in order to satiate our thirst for various truths. We play, we work, and we breathe. We feel emotions, we commit both good and bad deeds, and we think good and bad thoughts. We establish relationships. We live alongside each other, along with several other non-human creatures in the Earth. We are ever curious beings.

A paradox will always and inevitably arise: We are all that has been mentioned, and yet we are simultaneously so much more. Have we ever wondered why we automatically know and believe that we are, by nature, always on the pursuit of contentment—why we are never fully content in this lifetime?

Ultimately, we are beyond our physical contexts, characteristics, and trappings—and by physical, this means everything that we know and are composed of that only exists in the physical plane. As such, if we want to live well as humans and in order to fully attain the contentment we constantly pursue; we should simultaneously adhere to the truths and dictates of what is “beyond” the physical—a higher, spiritual realm to which naturally belong. Exploring the Akashic Records; in providing holistic accounts that detail our origins, existence, and who we truly are and must be, is the most reliable source of living out our true nature and selves.

We turn to the Akashic Records for wisdom and truth—it contains everything that has ever occurred since the inception of human existence, and some believe that the Chronicles have been existing ever since the beginning. It is a repository of all human histories that are embedded into the “akasha” or aether through energy imprints. All of the histories that the Akashic Records contain are detailed and accurate, which provide information regarding our origins, and all our past and present acts, deeds, thoughts, and emotions. At the same time, the Akashic Records give us a view of the possibilities that we can achieve.

Who and what are we?

Many of us think that the saying “we are stellar” or “we are children of the stars” already provide an amazing insight to our nature as humans; in that from a strict scientific point of view, we are made up of the very same parts that the stars and other heavenly bodies are simultaneously composed of. In the physically verifiable or scientific sense, the sayings hold true insights into our composition as physical entities — but we are actually even more fantastic than just being stellar, or children of stars.

We are ethereal, spiritual beings that came from the Source, the Divine, the Center, or the God, which have only taken the physical form in this physical plane. Our “spiritual” nature may appear difficult to comprehend because our everyday awareness and involvement in mere physical realities have somewhat served as “blinders” to the higher truths, or because we have been so used to dealing with a scientifically verifiable reality. However, we must come to terms with the idea of a spiritual existence— precisely because it underlies the truth of our being, of who we are, and of why we are here in the world.  Through accepting our nature both as spiritual and physical entities—we will be able to understand the bigger picture of our existence. We will be aware of the one most essential goal that we have within this current lifetime in the physical realm— and beyond.

The duality of humans

From the point of view of those who believe the Akasha Records, and as is an almost the same or highly similar principle propagated by several religions such as Christianity—every living human being has a spirit or a soul, along with currently possessing a physical body or form. We all have a physical and spiritual existence,  and these two distinct natures of our being has a causal relationship: Our spiritual existence has given rise to our physical existence, or has enabled us to live as physical entities in this world, and not the other way around.

Although some principles may vary from one belief system or religion to another; a prevailing notion associated with the Akashic Records is that humans are not created by accident. This means that there is a clear purpose as to why we are here, and that the physical side of our existence could not have been possible if it weren’t for the preceding spiritual nature. For one, a notion associated with contemporary cosmology indicates that at the very core of the Universe is order, and not chaos; which rules out the possibility of having been created out of mere chance. The widely-believed purpose, despite having been termed in various means, is that human existence was made possible in line with a particular destiny—which is to grow as a fitting companion of the Center, the Divine, or God; and to finally unite with the Most Divine Entity. Christian beliefs support this notion, as well as several other prevailing principles from other religion.

One of the ultimate insights that can be gained from the said notion is that we do not merely live, and are not merely designed, for the physical realm: There is a reality higher than the physical, there is a life beyond the world as we know it now.

How, ultimately, must we perceive our physical realms? It is that our physical existence must not be perceived as neither the sole and highest form of our existence. We must only view the physical realm for what it is—as a transitory plane that we must tread on for a certain point in our whole existence; as a place where we must prepare, grow, and transform ourselves for the higher realm.

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