Interpreting the Akashic Records the Right Way: What We must Never Neglect

Everyone wants to know the truths that seem to remain elusive from our grasp — about who we really are, about what we can be in the future, about how we came to be. Other essential questions include: Is there life after death? Is our life limited to what we can perceive and verify in this physical realm?

These questions are important to us because they have a bearing on how we are to live our lives. If we knew that nothing lies beyond our physical existence in this world—then perhaps more and more people would care less and less about the consequences of their actions. However, if we are aware of an indomitable and higher truth that influences and guides how we must fully lead our lives—then we are also more inclined to abide by the right path that is set for us by something higher than ourselves.

Indeed, it is a fortunate blessing to know that a certain vast etheric repository of information and memories exist to answer our questions, and to serve as our guide. However, just like we must prepare ourselves when reading any sacred book in order to fully acquire what the truths that it imparts—the more that we must prepare ourselves not only in accessing the Akashic Records, but also in knowing how to properly interpret the details. This is in order for us to properly understand and use the details for a more rewarding life.

The Book of Answers

Fortunately, the Akashic Records exist, although it only thrives in the ethereal plane. One may perceive it as an omniscient book of answers that can detail all emotions, actions, and thoughts by every person that has graced the physical world. With the existence of the Akashic Records; we become fully aware that our actions are never lost to the past, that nothing is wasted in the celestial realm. Furthermore, we also become fully aware of our true nature as spiritual entities, and the ultimate Center that has made our existence—and all creation— possible. For people who have successfully gained access to the super-computer-like repository of memories and histories of the human race— The Akashic Records have been the sole, prime source of credible answers to the essential questions we have in life.

This means that an important guide exists, and in turn confirms the existence of a higher goal that we must set for ourselves—one that is not confined to the physical, and one that cannot end even if we physically die. By means of accessing the Akashic Records, and being able to develop a keen sense of self-awareness on our nature as spiritual entities, we realize how truly small we are as physical entities in the midst of a higher spiritual reality. Simultaneously, while we are humbled—we are at the same time empowered to be as big as we can, by staying true to our pursuit for the companionship with the Center.

As such, although it is true that the Akashic Records is a vast etheric memory bank—it does not merely detail the facts in a detached manner. The Akashic Records are sources of the facts that enable us to control our lives and transform ourselves accordingly, based on how we deem to be suitable for us. The best part is that by means of our divine birthright as spiritual entities—we all have the capacity of gaining entry into the “Hall of Records”, and of using the information to empower and enhance our lives for the better.

The Need for Correct Interpretation

Several guides and pieces of advice, from those who have successfully accessed the Akashic Records, focus on the right process on how we can gain entry into the Chronicles. However, it seems that less attention has been given to another aspect of the Records that is just as important as successfully accessing them—how to correctly interpret the data to become better human spirits.

As such, while we must be extremely prepared for the venture or journey towards accessing the “Hall of Records”, we must simultaneously properly equip ourselves on how to read and interpret the priceless information we will acquire. The three general tips are key things to bear in mind while in the process of interpreting the Akashic Records—in order to do so the right way.

  1. The venture towards each of our own Akashic Records is not merely physical journeys, but they are essentially spiritual. This means that a huge amount of open-mindedness is necessitated from us—especially in relation to experiences and realities that cannot be confirmed through using the tools of the physical plane. When we interpret the records, we should be aware that what we are about to witness may not be in line with what we have been used to in the physical world. Getting ready to make mental adjustments will aid us in directing our focus on the information provided by the Akashic Records, instead of debating within our minds how we could possibly believe the “supernatural” experience.

  2. In order to correctly interpret the Akashic Records, we must be aware of the realities that the repository presents and confirms. These realities are mostly spiritual or ethereal, such as our nature as human spirits; the existence of a Center; the existence of the spiritual realm. Furthermore, we also need to acknowledge that our nature as spiritual and physical entities comes with a purpose, along with the free will to actualize and attain that purpose of uniting with the Source or Divine.

  3. Ultimately, the reason why accessing the Akashic Records is as important as properly interpreting the details is that after gaining entry into the Chronicles; there is a possibility for us to misinterpret the information. In order to avoid misinterpretation from taking place, it is important to purify our objectives. We must approach, consult, and use the details in the Akashic Records with a selfless and noble intent, such as when the intention is to help other people apart from ourselves. Negative reasons for accessing the Records will cloud our understanding of the priceless truths that we can gain from the Akashic Records. We have had enough blinders by merely constraining ourselves in physical realities—let us further aim to rid ourselves of blinders by making sure that greed and hatred are not the driving purposes of why we want to read the Records.
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